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Open Letter to MSA Membership

Dear MSA Members,

This is an open letter to all members of Medina Soccer Association.  As I write this letter, I hope that spring finds you all enjoying your time back out on the playing fields.  While weather is always a struggle in the spring in Northeast Ohio, I assure you we will be playing in no time!  I write this letter to talk to all of you about the many opportunities that are available with Medina Soccer Association.  Each year there are dozens of opportunities to be involved.  I feel like the majority of people just aren’t familiar with the things that are out there, and are just waiting to be asked.  The problem them becomes… who do you ask, and what do you ask them.  Maybe we should start at the top and work our way down…however, let’s not be confused.  Every opportunity, big or small matters. 

Board Members:
  There are 13 different Board Positions.  These positions range from Executive positions (Pres.,V.P.,Sec.,Treasurer) all the way down to Dir of Fields.  The also include Directors of Travel, Directors of Rec, Directors of Referees, and registration.  The point being there are a myriad of opportunities that exist whether you know a thing about formations and techniques or not.  All of them important in their own way. 

Committee members: 
We have a long term planning committee, we have fundraising committees, we have a scholarship committee, and others that pop up from time to time.  We don’t need people that know how to head a soccer ball correctly on a long term planning committee, we need someone with business knowledge or fundraising prowess. 

We have over 700 children playing in our rec program.  That’s a lot of teams, and those teams need a lot of coaches.  Our youngest leagues play 3 versus 3 and quite honestly a background in patience and understanding go a lot farther at that age than the tactics of teaching the offside law. 

Tournament Volunteers:  Made simple through a program call sign up genius, you can pick the thing you want to help with, and the time you want to help.  It’s easy, it’s helpful, yet many times we end yup with >40% of the time slots not filled. 

Medina Invitational Soccer Tournament (MIST) - Travel tournament June 2-4th 2023 

Soccer Days - Rec tournament June 10-11th 2023 

Fundraiser Volunteers:  If you have that knack or talent for raising funds for big projects.  We need you!  Find out what committees are available by just simply reaching out to us! 

Every year, we hear from people “I would help but no one ever asks for any help”.  Please, consider this to be us asking!  There are many Board positions opening in November, there are always opportunities to help out as I mentioned above.  We thank you for being a part of Medina Soccer, and we hope you’ll join us in making Medina Soccer even better! 

Warmest Regards, 

Frank Horvath 

Director of Fields and Board Member for over 14 years.