Medina Classics Girls Travel Program
Standing Rules - November, 2008
A. Purpose
To guide future direction and decisions in the program, the following mission statement has been developed:
1. To offer a fair and competitive program to Medina area girls and young women.
2. To expose and challenge each player and team in the highest reasonable competitive environment.
3. To provide high quality training and coaching in techniques, tactics, and fitness.
4. To teach by example the principles of good sportsmanship, teamwork, direction, and life long lessons.
5. To offer a fair playing field to all players, parents, and coaches.
B. Positions
1) Director of Girls Travel
• The Director of Girls Travel (the Director) reports to the Board of Directors of the Medina Soccer Association, Inc. (MSA) on all matters relating to the girls travel program.
• The Director will make all the day-to-day decisions for the program. • The Director will make long-term decisions about the program/teams with the assistance of the Advisory Board and approval by the MSA Board.
• The Director will act as a mediator in any disagreements that cannot be resolved between the parents and the coaching staff.
• The Director will make sure that all teams are playing in appropriate division/facility that the team will be able to compete in with the input from the coaching staff.
2) Assistant Director
• The Assistant Director will be involved with the following:
o Represent the Girls Travel program at all league(s) meetings
o Team Declaration
o Player Registration
o Team Scheduling
o Fundraising
3) Professional Trainers
• Work with the Director and the coaching staff in the instruction and training of each team.
• Conduct try-outs to recognize which players should be selected.
• Complete an accepted Risk Management form.
• Help assess the coaches’ abilities to coach at each age level.
• Follow all rules of MSA and any league rules that their team(s) participates in.
• Trainers will serve at the will of the Director and the MSA Board of Directors.
4) Coaches
• The Director will make coach’s recommendations with the input from the Professional Trainers and Advisory Board to the MSA Board of Directors.
• Coach selections will be announced when the rosters are made final after the try-outs.
• The MSA Board of Directors approves coaches for a one-year (fall-spring) period.
• Coaches are required to take any licensing clinics required by the league(s) that their team(s) participates in.
• Coaches without the proper licenses must obtain one prior to the spring season. The Medina Girls Travel Program will refund coaches for the licenses needed to coach in their specific league. Funds will not be refunded until after the coaches start their second season.
• Coaches will be selected based on the following criteria:
o Proven coaching ability. o High school and/or college playing experience.
o Required coaching licenses. o Agreement to the rules and philosophy of MSA.
o Completion of an accepted risk management form o Coaches must have an assistant coach.
o Coaches are to communicate and work with the Director in the best interests of the team.
o Coaches are responsible for keeping track of their trainers’ hours.
o Coaches will serve at the will of the MSA Board of Directors.
5) Assistant Coaches
• The coach will recruit his assistant coaches, or they maybe assigned by the Director.
• The Director must approve all assistant coaches.
• Assistant coaches must complete an accepted risk management form.
• Assistant coaches are required to take any licenses required by the league(s) that their team(s) participates in.
• Assistant coaches are to communicate and work with the Director in the best interests of the team.
• Assistant coaches will serve at the will of Director and the MSA Board of Directors.
6) Advisory Board
• The advisory board will consist of as many members needed to complete a specific task when needed.
• Nominees cannot be the current coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, or spouses of the current coaching staff.
C. Policies
1. Teams
• Teams may be formed for U8s through U14s or a combination acceptable by the league the team(s) participates in.
• The number of teams formed will be based on the availability of qualified coaches and players.
• Roster sizes:
o U8, U9 and U10 (6v6) teams will have no more than 11 players on each roster.
o U10, U11 and U12 (8v8) teams will have no more than 13 players on each roster.
o U12 through U14 (11v11) will have no more than 16 players on each roster.
• Any exceptions to the format above will be presented to the MSA Board of Directors.
2. Try-outs/Team Assignments
• Try-outs will be held annually.
• Try-out dates and format must be announced by the beginning of the spring season.
• Try-outs must be publicized and will be open to any female players that live in the Medina area.
• Players must attend try-outs to be considered for a team, unless they are injured or sick.
• Age groups are determined by a player’s birth date and/or grade level in school. Cut-off for age groups is determined by the state organization (Ohio Youth Soccer Association-North).
• Players will not be discriminated against if they play in another program.
• Professional trainers will conduct all try-outs, unless otherwise informed.
• Coaches will be informed prior to the final rosters coming out.
• Each player will be notified if they have or have not been selected. All players that are not selected will receive an evaluation from the trainers. All notifications will sent out one week after the last game for that age group.
• All records will be kept private, with exception to personal viewing by the player and her parents.
• The results of any try-outs are final.
3. Mid-Year Rosters Vacancies
• The coaches can fill any vacancies that may exist or develop during the year with the approval of the Director.
• This can be done with the appropriate level players or new players moving into the community.
• All vacancies must approved by the Director.
• There are no mid-year tryouts for existing teams. Try-outs can be held for the formation of a new team(s). All players that are currently on a roster are not eligible for mid-season try-outs.
• Any requests for player transfer(s) must be submitted to the Director in writing. There must be an opening on the team that the player is transferring to. The Director and the coaching staff will make the final decision.
• Any players that drop during the season are not eligible to return to the team until the next scheduled try-outs.
4. Players
• Players will be selected annually through try-outs.
• Any female players living in the Medina area are eligible.
• Commitment:
o Players are expected to attend all practices, games and tournaments.
o Premier players are expected to attend at least one practice a week. Coaches should make every attempt to schedule one practice a week, so every player can attend.
o Any conflicts should be discussed with the coach and trainer.
o If necessary, the Director will act as a mediator and/or make the final decision in the matter.
• Playing time:
o Coaches and trainers should keep in mind that skill levels that inspired team selections should be adequate for playing in league games.
o Playing time is not guaranteed during tournament games.
o Attendance to practices and league games will be a factor in determining playing time.
• Players will show good sportsmanship toward the coaching staff, other players, referees and other teams/coaches.
• Players cannot be carded to more than one team in the program, unless approved by the MSA Board of Directors.
5. Parents
• Parents will show good sportsmanship toward the coaching staff, other players, referees, and other teams/coaches.
• Parents are to attempt to work out any issues/problems with the coaching staff, FIRST.
• The parents can ask to have the Director to act as a mediator, if they feel that the coaching staff has not resolved the issues/problems.
• Parents can go to the MSA Board of Directors, if they feel that the coaching staff and Director have not resolved their issues.
6. Fees
• Any increase in fees must be submitted to the MSA Board for approval.
• Any increases must be submitted to the MSA Board by May for the next full season (fallspring).
• The Director may/can ask for a non-refundable deposit up to $100 at try-outs.
• Half of any deposit will be applied to the fall fees and the other half will go toward the spring fees.
• The Director will provide information about fees to all parents.
• Fees need to be paid in a timely manner to avoid any hardships to the program.
• The Director may/can assess a late fee up to $10.
• All fees must be current for a player to participate in the upcoming season or prior arrangements must be made with the Director.
7. Scholarships
• Scholarships will be assessed prior to every season.
• Parents must contact the Director and explain their situation.
• Final approval will come from the MSA Board of Directors.
• The Medina Girls Travel program is responsible for all scholarships.
• Players and parents on scholarship may be asked to help with specific projects.
8. Uniforms
• Parents are responsible for the purchase of their daughter’s uniform.
• Uniform orders will be made after try-outs in June and in January.
• The MSA Board of Directors must approve all uniforms or uniform changes.
• Uniforms will not have sponsors on them.
9. Indoor Sessions
• Indoor sessions are NOT sanctioned by the state organization.
• The Medina Girls Travel program will not front any funds for indoor sessions.
• Coaches need to make sure that the players are covered under supplementary insurance. This insurance can be purchased through the state organization at a minimal cost.
• Coaches must communicate to the Director where their team(s) will be participating. This needs to be done to make sure that the team is playing at the appropriate level for that team.
10. Tournaments
• Coaches are responsible to inform the Director of any tournaments their team(s) will be participating before each season.
• The Medina Girls Travel Program will pay for one tournament up to $350.
• Coaches MUST request any tournament entry fee(s) from the Director of Girls Travel.
• Any additional tournaments, the coaches will be responsible for collecting the funds and paying for the tournament themselves. Medina Girls Travel will not front any funds for additional tournaments.
• Teams are encouraged to participate in at least one tournament per season, but the Director MUST approve the participation in 3 or more tournaments.
D. Disciplinary Ruling
1. Teams will be held responsible for the conduct of their coaches, volunteers, players, and parents. Unbecoming conduct, by the aforementioned, during, before, or after a game and/or practices will result in disciplinary actions.
2. The MSA Disciplinary Committee will conduct all hearings for the Medina Girls Travel Program.
3. Coaches who do not conduct themselves in a proper manner will be referred for disciplinary action and may jeopardize future appointment to a coaching position.
o All punishments can be appealed to the state organization (Ohio Youth Soccer Association – North).
4. Volunteers who do not conduct themselves in a proper manner will be referred for disciplinary actions may jeopardize future appointment to position.
o All punishments are final. These punishments cannot be appealed to the state organization (Ohio Youth Soccer Association – North).
5. Parents who do not conduct themselves in a proper manner (shouting at players, coaches and/or board members, abusing the referees, and not supporting the players in a positive manor) will be referred for disciplinary actions.
o All punishments are final. These punishments cannot be appealed to the state organization (Ohio Youth Soccer Association – North).
E. Changes to Standing Rules
1. All changes to the rules and regulations must be submitted to the MSA Board of Directors in writing through the Director.
2. Changes to the rules and regulations can be done at any regular meeting or the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3. Any changes to the rules and regulations must have a majority vote of the MSA Board of Directors to be adopted.